

wingspan : 37/39 mm

Polythrix auginus, 20 km South of Tena, rio Tutapishco, Yasuni, Unión Nacional Cuyabeno and Marian.

it should be noted that the Polythrix auginus we found in the North East are markedly different from those we found in Sangay NP (see new facts page).

Polythrix auginus a Unión Nacional Cuyabeno
Polythrix auginus en el sendero de Apuya
Polythrix auginus a Yasuni
Polythrix auginus en el sendero el Capricho
Polythrix auginus en el sendero de Apuya
Polythrix auginus al rio Tutapishco
Polythrix auginus a Jambeli

first row - Sangay NP - Sucúa and Méndez - between 700 and 1100 meters

second row - North East - Tena, rio Tutapishco, Yasuni, Marian, Unión Nacional Cuyabeno - between 200 and 700 meters

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