

wingspan : 37 mm

Ithomiola floralis is an Amazonian butterfly ; there would be three subspecies :
       - in the Guyanas and the Amazon basin, Ithomiola floralis floralis, characterized by a red rim on the HW,
       - on the lower slopes of the Andes,
               . at low elevations, from the SE of Colombia to Northern Peru, Ithomiola floralis cascella, characterized by a variable orange patch on the FW apex,
               . at slightly higher elevations, and from Panama to Bolivia, Ithomiola floralis celtilla, only black, sometimes with an orange rim on both FW and HW.

but, in Sangay NP, in a 20 km radius around Puyo we found the three "subspecies".

however, in the North East we only saw ssp cascella wether South of Tena, at Pimpilala, at Misahualli or at Unión Nacional Cuyabeno.

Ithomiola floralis cascella en el camino de Apuya
Ithomiola floralis cascella en el camino de Apuya
Ithomiola floralis cascella en el camino de Apuya
Ithomiola floralis cascella a Misahualli
Ithomiola floralis cascella en el camino de Apuya
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