
este macho viene del PN Sangay


esta hembra viene del PN Sangay


wingspan :

all the butterflies known as Taygetis andromeda (Cramer 1779) are now distributed between three species, Taygetis laches (Fabricius 1793), and two undescribed (?) species, sp n°1 and sp n° 2 (KRW

It is impossible to tell sp 1 from sp 2, and for laches, the commonest species, you can identify only males from their androconias, which means you need a dorsal view, which means you can't identify pictures of live butterflies.

and its wings underside is extremely variable.

seen South of Tena, at Misahualli and rio Hollin.

the bottom pictures certainly show a clear majority of Taygetis laches, but maybe also some specimens of species 1 and 2.


Taygetis ex-andromeda en el camino de Apuya
Taygetis ex-andromeda en el camino de Apuya
Taygetis ex-andromeda en el sendero el Capricho
Taygetis ex-andromeda al río Pingullo
Taygetis ex-andromeda en el camino de Apuya
Taygetis ex-andromeda a WildSumaco
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