
este macho viene del PN Sangay


esta hembra viene del PN Sangay


wingspan :

Archonias tereas, rio Hollin.

it could be noted that :
     - all the specimens we found in this area have completely black FW, it is only farther South that you find butterflies with white spots on the FW,
     - we saw Archonias tereas only in the South of this area - Tena - we never found it in the North - Lumbaqui, Coca, Lago Agrio.


Archonias tereas al río Hollín
Archonias tereas al río Chaluayacu
Archonias tereas al río Pingullo
Archonias tereas, las dos formas al río Chaluayacu
esta Archonias no es forma blanca ni forma rosada - rio Hollin
Archonias tereas al río Chaluayacu
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