

wingspan :

when we first created this fact sheet (2008) we called these butterflies Pterourus menatius ctesiades, following the existing literature.

today we have two menatius ssp that fly in Ecuador Oriente : ctesiades, a low elevation (amazonian) ssp, and eurotas that flies on the Eastern slopes of the Andes, these two ssp being distinguishable thanks to small differences on the FW yellow stripe.

but Andrew Neild has commented that there is a huge overlap of the ranges of these two ssp, and that there are quite a few "half way" individuals - and that the validity of these two ssp is not obvious ; so we now call these butterflies Pterourus menatius eurotas, eurotas being the oldest name.

Pimpilala, South of Sumaco

Pterorous menatius ctesiades a Wildsumaco
Pterorous menatius ctesiades a Wildsumaco
Pterorous menatius ctesiades a Wildsumaco
Pterorous menatius ctesiades a Wildsumaco
Pterorous menatius ctesiades a Wildsumaco
Pterorous menatius ctesiades a Wildsumaco
Pterorous menatius ctesiades a Wildsumaco
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